Sunday, January 17, 2010

"What I Love" Sunday

I always have some current obsessions that are in constant rotation.  Here are a few things I love right now:

#1.  Clementines

Clementines are in season and these little juicy fruits are so delicious and easy to eat.  I usually have one with breakfast and another for a snack.  The only downside to an obsession with clementines is that my hands smell like citrus.  Oh, and I don't recommend eating them while surfing the web unless you like a sticky keyboard.

#2.  Gilmore Girls

The few TV shows I follow on a weekly basis are on hiatus, so I turned to GG.  I have six seasons on DVD and they never get old.  I am watching the episodes in order, beginning with season three.  Why start with season three?  My logical reasoning was that it featured both Dean and Jess, and Rory still had long hair.

#3.  YouTube tutorials.

YouTube has really grown into a source of information for me.  I love watching make-up and hair tutorials, "hauls" and various "tags."  Yet another way to waste away time.  At least I'm learning something, right?

#4.  Organization.

My mom and I bought a bunch of Rubbermaid bins last night at Target (on sale!).  I've already cleaned out the space under my bathroom sink.  Lots of old make-up and nail polishes were trashed.  Next step is cleaning out my room.  A trip to my organizational utopia, IKEA, is happening in the near future.

#5.  Knitting.

It's obvious.

What are some things you love right now?  Let me know!
